Friday 27 February 2009

26th February Reshooting...

Today me and micheal, decided that we are not going to let the tripod that was lying around in the scene ruining our clip, so we set off back to my house to re shoot that scene again, so we left eni and cat in college to work on the clip, so that they can add the main soundtrack and any other sounds that will benefit the affect on the audience watching, when me and mikey come back cat and eni had done a huge percentage of the soundtrack. And we was just focusing on finalising it and adding the final touches. 

23rd of february editing suite

Today we spent the day choosing what sound effects we are going to put alongside our movie clip, and also looking for any parts of the clip that can be altered to make much better, whilst analysing our clip we noticed to our horror that there was a tripod left on the stairs in one the scenes, that was visible and could ruin our chances of getting full marks, so then we worked around it and added all the other parts we needed to, so by the end of the day we had applied all the credits to the clip, we was still going through. the soundtracks to see which one would apply to our theme the best, we did have all the sound effects such as footsteps and knife clanging in place.

Monday 23 February 2009

Editing Our Thriller Clip

It was only me and eni at first, doing the editing of our thriller clip. We first decided which scene is going to go first, middle or last. So we place all the scene in the right order. Michael and eni was doing the next editing part of our thriller clip, by cutting out scenes and placing scenes together, to make it all a one completed clip.

The next editing part was looking for our soundtracks to place in our thriller clip. Then we started cutting out the original soundtracks that was recorded in the clip.

Filming @Derek's House

First of all, we had a little help from one of the teachers on where we are going to do out last filming. Our first opinion was basing the scene in the college, in an office. But our team realse that it wasn't what we planned for our thriller film in the beginning. So we had another option on going to one of our group members house, which was Derek's house.

We first created a hostile effect of the living room by dashing letters, papers, flower pots and tables on the floor, once we were done creating the setting, we moved on to filming. Michael was the camera man majority of the time, and Derek, me and Eni were the characters of the thriller.

Michael filmed derek as the detective entering the scene in the living room, realising there has been a robbery, but as he turn he corner of the living room he saw a female lying on the floor, which was me playing the dead character. Derek came over to me, to check if i was breathing but i wasn't . Then Michael filmed derek going up the stair case, having Eni as the killer, going to kill derek next.

Our next location of filming was downstairs in the kitchen, having eni getting prepared to kill derek by pulling out a knife from the cupbored as derek enters into the house. The last filming we done was outside when derek is pulling up to his house getting ready to go in to the house.

Wednesday 18 February 2009

Tuesday 10 February 2009

9th February Main Filming Session

On this day all of the remainder of our thriller was filmed, everything we thought that it may not be possible we went to Derek's house at the begininng of the lesson and we done 2hours worth of filming scenes and using different angles to see which works best, we was all motivated because we could see that everything was coming to plan even though we nearly had a setback of not having a home location, we done loads of shots again such as the establishing shot of the Detective pulling up to the scene, because we had obviously changed the scenery so we had to that again or it will look out of place, Eni also contributed new ideas to the filming which improved the quality and how the thriller will look to the viewersm this include new scenes that was not listed in the story board and also different camera angles such as point of view shots etc....We also used a lot of props that we thought we may not usem this was all to enhance the vieing experience...

5th February Editing Suite

Today instead of going out to do more filming we stayed in, and edited the first scenes of thriller, we didnt go out because due to the adverse weather conditions, this would have made the scenes very different to the others, so we used our time productively in the editing suite putting all the bits together cutting all the unnecessary bits, we spent most of the lesson doing this and also trying to find a suitable location for the house scene and then we then decided that we are going to use Dereks Mansion, even though it may prove not to be suitablem but for the risk of failing we thought we will give it a try in the following lesson.

Saturday 7 February 2009

Editing the open 30 seconds of the thriller.

Editing the first 30 seconds.
Today we edited the opening 30 seconds of the thriller intro. As the weather affected the shooting process we decided to not waste time and started editing. We uploaded our shots AGAIN (last time they came out wrong so we didn’t use it for our thriller). We decided that we would have a shot of Derek dramatically pulling up with his car. We used a match-cut for this with two shots which allows the viewer to view the car from different angles plus it creates suspense. Than we had a shot of Derek taking out the keys, we thought it would be a good idea because it showed Derek hurrying which directly gives an instinct that something’s happened or is going to happen. The next step showed Derek coming out of his car; in the previous plan we decided that we were going to use a minute of the thriller to convey Derek’s authority as a police detective, but we changed our minds and decided to convey the authority of Derek by the clothes he is wearing; shirt, smart-trousers and office shoes. Furthermore, we thought it would be a good idea for Derek to rush to the door as it built tension and revealed that something was wrong. The last shot we edited of this session saw Derek walk from the car to the door and was portrayed through a panned shot.

Wednesday 4 February 2009

29th January Filming

Me and my team members went out in dereks car to a location where they first planned it all ready ,it was near houses with no front garden and has natural sunlight and high trees. We first filmed derek in his car pulling up to the house, michael manage to do 3 different angle shots from that. Then we filmed Derek inside the car turning off his engine and using his steering wheel and his gear stick. The 2nd part michael filmed was derek getting out of the car.

Sunday 1 February 2009

The story of the opening sequence + AS WORK

As inspiration Miss revealed different clips of past students works, some good and some bad, some had different values and others had other values. The aim of the lesson was to take notes on the miscenscene, susense, props, camera movement,camera angles etc. The first video that we watched was very inperational and turned out to be the best, it consisted of a title sequence and clip. Very similar to the sleven introduction.The clip introduced hardly any movements of characters but focused on close-ups and 20 seconds of long distance. Before Miss had warned the AS group of the use of long-shots but she herself was suprised by the effect the long-dhot had on the clip.The main stand out feature of the clips was that none used diegetic sound, at first i thought that it would of been impossible for a thriller could be made without digetic sound but after our first clip practice a month ago, I found that suspense was mainly created through the different eddited effects used in a clip. For further inspiration Miss introduced a video of the opening sequence. A documentary which 'in detail' analysed how the opening of a movie has changed over the years. Before cinemas were completely different, you could walk into a theatre at any time, begging, middle or end, and still continue watching the theatre. The film which dramatically changed this trend was by Alfred Hitchcock title ''PSYCHO''. To understand the movie you had to see the beggining or you would end up with a completely different storyline.

The titles to a movie weren't even scanned upon but a revolutionary Graphic Designer by the name of Saul Bass changed this, he made people want to see the opening title sequence. His work consist of ''PSYCHO TITLE SEQUENECE'', ''THE MAN WITH THE GOLDEN ARM'' AND '' VERTIGO'' plus many more. All of this allowed the title sequence to escelate while also makin Saul Bass the undisputed Graphic Designer. The title sequence escalated as time went by and this opened new ideas but also sprung some arguments and problems. Problems such as the suspense created in the opening minutes. If to much suspense was created in the opening minutes than the film will slowly become less intrieging and by the end the viewers would of forgot about the actioned acked beggining couple of minutes. The other argument was that if the opening minutes do not grab the viewers attention than the viewers will be expecting a devloping film which does not attract them.