Saturday 7 February 2009

Editing the open 30 seconds of the thriller.

Editing the first 30 seconds.
Today we edited the opening 30 seconds of the thriller intro. As the weather affected the shooting process we decided to not waste time and started editing. We uploaded our shots AGAIN (last time they came out wrong so we didn’t use it for our thriller). We decided that we would have a shot of Derek dramatically pulling up with his car. We used a match-cut for this with two shots which allows the viewer to view the car from different angles plus it creates suspense. Than we had a shot of Derek taking out the keys, we thought it would be a good idea because it showed Derek hurrying which directly gives an instinct that something’s happened or is going to happen. The next step showed Derek coming out of his car; in the previous plan we decided that we were going to use a minute of the thriller to convey Derek’s authority as a police detective, but we changed our minds and decided to convey the authority of Derek by the clothes he is wearing; shirt, smart-trousers and office shoes. Furthermore, we thought it would be a good idea for Derek to rush to the door as it built tension and revealed that something was wrong. The last shot we edited of this session saw Derek walk from the car to the door and was portrayed through a panned shot.

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