Tuesday 10 February 2009

9th February Main Filming Session

On this day all of the remainder of our thriller was filmed, everything we thought that it may not be possible we went to Derek's house at the begininng of the lesson and we done 2hours worth of filming scenes and using different angles to see which works best, we was all motivated because we could see that everything was coming to plan even though we nearly had a setback of not having a home location, we done loads of shots again such as the establishing shot of the Detective pulling up to the scene, because we had obviously changed the scenery so we had to that again or it will look out of place, Eni also contributed new ideas to the filming which improved the quality and how the thriller will look to the viewersm this include new scenes that was not listed in the story board and also different camera angles such as point of view shots etc....We also used a lot of props that we thought we may not usem this was all to enhance the vieing experience...

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