Monday 19 January 2009

second practice video. walking through door

In class we were asked to produce another clip but this time we had to walk through a door. Before we began shooting we had a lesson in which we learnt about shot types and during the lesson we created a shot list. Internal and external are words which identify whether the specific shot is going to be shot inside or outside.In the shot list we also had to give descriptions of the shot. For example,if we were to use a tilt in the shot we had to describe why the tilt was relavent and what the tilt would portray. Moving on we decided that our clip was going to consist of eleven shots. The first shot being a pan of me (Eni) walking in the corridor. We had problems getting this pan right as there wasn't much space to work with.Here the assistant Mick helped us to get an apropriate angle.Also, it was a difficult shot as we had to find a preciese speed in which to pan the camera and had to link this with the movement of the target, all of this in very littlesace. After six shots we finally had a shot worthy of being art of the clip. The second shot was a medium shot of me walking into the dorr. The place in which the camera wasplaced made the traget looked like he was walking into the camera but the third shot allowsfor the audience to understand that the target is walking into the door. The second shot sees the target turning from a corner and walking into the cameras direction. Here we could analyse that hes worried as the targets way of walking reveals little confiddenceand gives the audience a chance to ponder on what the next shot is going to reveal.Furthermore,This allows for audience to identify the target walking towards them.

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