Saturday 31 January 2009

30th Jan Retake Of The Previous Lesson

Today we done a clean and a smoother run of the first take, it came out muc better because i took the effort of cleaning my car so it looks that much more presentable, we came back too packington square where the shooting of derek getting out of the car is shot we re did all the shots again making them much sharper, and out of sunlight so you can see much more detail we reshot the establishing shot which has changed the whole scene and how we are going to film the rest of our film, we are also discussing property of where we are going to do the main scene of kat laying on the floor. The only problem i came across was that because my car was so clean it was causing some very shiny reflections, and you could see the camer and the person next to itm so we had to do some shots a good distance away from the car and then zoom into the car. But other than that the retake went very successful, and we was happy with what we had produced.

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