Monday 15 December 2008

editing our clips

In this lesson, it was only me and Eni and the other two members of ours weren’t in. We continued editing our video clips which Eni has done, which means placing different clips that we filmed together and creating an intense vibe of our video. We decided to edit the clips as if one of the characters in the video is fantasising about a football player he sees on the newspaper, so Eni gave the video a dreamy affect.

As for me, I edited the sound affects on the videos, the first thing I done was looked through a file of sound clips that the college had. I decided to insert a sound clip when eni is walking into the college, by putting in a sound affect of footsteps, including the part where he went to sit down with to drink his tea, I put a sound affect of him drinking his tea and screaming, because he was fantasising about the footballer.

By Catherin Truong

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