Monday, 15 December 2008

Notes for derek & Eni.! faggs

- The maze tracking shots
- Don't no whats round the corner which builds tension , as for the corridors as well.
- 237 room where the family was murdered by the dad/husband
- Jacks "limp" He slows down which creates suspense, throws the ball hard and catches it.
The type writer closeup -" all work no play makes jack a dull boy"
- Chef, suspenseful when he is walking around saying "hello anyone there?" we don't no whats around the corner
-Danny playing with the car and train tracks, then a ball roles in the scene, bird eye view, then high shot (not knowing whose there)
-Initial stories about cabin fever signal to the audience where the plot is going. The fact that the audience knows the story makes us more engaged, were waiting for him to go mad and kill.
-Location huge house and is empty

by catherin.

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