Monday 15 December 2008

The Shinning

On todays lesson on monday we was told by our teacher to watch particular clips to notice the suspence of the different types of films. We had to concentrate on lighting, use off camera, music, editing and the location that it was set at. Out teacher set us a homework to explain in detail a certain clip that i was most interested in and i choose to do the shining.

There is tension straight away from the clip, with the camera following the boy behind him, whilst he was riding his bike with the sound affect of the wheels rolling and a low steady beat, not knowing what could be in front of him and at the back, which shows suspense by being clueless on what could be around the corner. As the little boy continued riding his bike around the hotel the music starts to slowly build with a squeaky sound and piano notes. Then the boy suddenly stops, and it shows a low angle behind a head and shoulder shot of the boy looking at the room number, the camera goes back and forth showing the boys emotions which makes the audience feel tension . Then a medium shot of the hallway and the boy, the boy slowly gets up from his bike as he does, the music rises and gets louder. As the camera tracks the boy walking to the door the sound changes into a very deep and high pitch rhythm. Then the camera cuts shots of these two girls for 3 seconds then the boy gets back on to his bike and he rides off fast.

By Catherin

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