
My media Thriller project uses and develops the forms of thriller conventions of a real media product, this is mainly because of the way me and my group have prepared the thriller. Such as the opening scene and the props and other little things that makes our thriller opening is the main suspense created in the beginning of the thriller this is what I reckon keeps the audience engaged. This is normally because they get a little sample of what is to come during the film this is the main advantage of the title sequence because it can determine whether the audience wants to hang around and watch the rest of the film or if they want to give up. The opening sequence of a film can determine if the audience wants to still be involved in the watching the rest of the film, because if they see what they like in the first sequence, then they are going to be wanting to see what else the film has got to offer. Which is why we applied this to our sequence by having a murder straight away this keeps the audience guessing, why the person has been murdered, we let you see that there is a killer in the house and he is up to no good, because they are hiding and sneaking around and the unveiling of a knife at the end of the sequence also gives the audience know that what is about to happen is not going to be good. These skills we adopted from Alfred Hitchcock and this is what is going to keep the audience engaged in watching the whole film.
My media product does not represent a social group, because it being quite a neutral film with a standard storyline you don’t have to really relate to it, because you may have already come across something similar before. Also it is not set in a certain country and the actors don’t come from the same ethnic background such as in bollywood films. The age group for my film would be the more young daring audience that are up for being frightened and scared between the ages of about 18 till early 30’s. An identifiable trait for my film would be that it is a thriller so the social groups it would attract to watch it would be for people that enjoy films with a lot of gore and murders etc, and like watching films with murders and everything else like that.
The kind of Media Institution that would distribute my film would be an production company like 20th century fox but towards the more lower end of there chain. I picked them because they produce more realistic films with no over the top stunts, they basically produce films that are more believable, such as the film “Taken (2008)” what makes this film so good and popular with me is that it is believable and everything done by the main character is all humanly possible.
Which is why I think my film deserves to be put alongside 20th century fox production line. My movie would be London Based blockbuster set in England, a bit like a James Bond Film, but without the backing of the famous actors, it will have all of the same characteristics, e.g. a detective, investigator with a bit of twist. It would be distributed all around England, And possibly certain parts of Europe where there is popularity with British James Bond Like films that have a very similar story line, and have the same props but less action scenes, because Bond films have opened up the door globally it could also prove to be successful if it was pushed in small cinemas maybe in the States. My Clips would not fit in any other category because it costs in its Hundred of thousands to make my movie, and the media production company 20th century fox are good at giving films the promotion they need for films to be a good hit in the cinemas, even if it is a small movie, with little recognition which is why I want them to back my film and produce it.
The audience for my project would for people that enjoy thrillers, that contain a lot of gore and murders. It would be for the more teenage generation up to the age of about 30 years old, it would not be for a particular market or for certain people this is because if you enjoy that type of genre you will enjoy my film, it is made for a particular gender but because of what it contains some females may not to be too fond off it. Because of that particular reason I am going to see that it is more of a film for the male gender, but it can be enjoyed by females also that may really like that, my film will be quite a good hit because it has quite neutral storyline, such as murders, investigation, detectives etc.... this is why I think it is a mainstream and not a niche targeted market. The film is for aspirers who are more willing to wait for the concept, and the twists of the film this has been done deliberately so that it is really engaging for the audience not too predictable which may lose interest of some viewers. A typical person that may be drawn in by a film like this would be someone like Dave, aged 20 who works in a hi-fi store, loves gaming and going out paintballing and drinking, and loves watching films.
I would attract my audience by promotions such as having big billboards in west end, by the big cinemas in Leicester square, i would also have posters on the side of the buses of the main character just like how “Jonny English” was promoted, i will also have a minute preview on the TV that gives the audience a taster of what the film is about, and should also have them wanting to see much more of it. I would run competitions where you can win goodies such as tickets, and passes to the premiere meet the star actors of the film. I would also run a promotion with a fast food company like McDonalds and give away free movie related items this way as well as cinema tickets. These promotions will get the film acknowledgement from the younger college going generation. The lead star in the role of my movie will be Ashley Walters, who starred in bullet boy, this will attract also the fans of Ashley that enjoy his acting, and maybe even some more fans from his other films from different genres. This is another way the film will be noticed in different ways even if the people are not interested, it will be noticed just because of the actor playing the lead role. The final place I would advertise
my film would be on the internet with loads of advertisement, but even more specifically over most of the social networking websites such as face book and MySpace. This will be seen all over the world even it is not available for show in your country you will see it advertised because of how powerful and global the internet is, this will be the main source of where the audience will research the facts about the film and where it will be noticed the most out of all the different types of ads.
I have learnt that technologies play a big role in the movie industry, it can change the look of a whole scene, because with the help of technology there is software such as Final Cut Pro. This programme and similar can enable you to film in a normal environment and then put it on the computer and then manipulate the image, to whatever you fancy such as having a bright effect, or a dark dangerous red effect on the screen. After you have finish filming you can also add additional sound to the clip to make it as effective as you want it. Technology when filming is used but the only with the camcorder, as this is the only technological device when filming. Another bit of technology we have used and has assisted us throughout our filming is the internet specifically www.blogger.com , this has helped because we have uploaded our clips and also blogged every lesson, on this website this is what we keep as a diary on each stage of our filming.
Looking back at the sample task we done, compared to the final thriller sequence, because of the practice of the match cut exercise, we was able to apply this to our sequence to make that much more professional and effective. I have learned that the film making process is a very time consuming business, and the films can sometimes take up to a whole year to do the filming alone and get all the right shots etc.
I have also learned that you cannot just wake up and have a camera and make a film of the top of your imagination, you will need a storyboard to go off on, so that you can do some planning and have a sense of direction for your filming, and so that you can also refer to when you’re doing your editing because you will have drawn up how you will want to visualize certain scenes. This is why storyboards are used and they are so very effective, the postproduction is the most important part of the whole making the title sequence process because if this is not done properly or correctly it will make the whole Title Sequence Look amateur and really poorly produced, which is why time is taken with movies and they take such a long time for them to be made.
Marketing i am going to market my clip by having merchandise made for the movie, such as cups, clothing pens etc... I will also market my film, by using it in promotion with other things such as maybe a vehicle promotion for a new range of a certain brand of vehicles. A different source of marketing would also be that the main character or any of the surrounding characters will be wearing a certain brand of clothing to promote it. Throughout my film there will be various marketing promotions used, and this is done to promote the brand and also the film itself to gain acknowledgment from the viewers.