Sunday 22 March 2009

Thursday 26th February

Thursday 26th February

Soundtrack editing

Today I came in at nine in the morning to finish of the soundtrack as there was only two days left for the deadline of the thriller. The soundtrack applied was called ''calm chineese 1'' and the reason that I believed it would be affective is because it had a certain tempo to it. A tempo that kept on building suspense. Cleverly Catherine gave me the idea of having the soundtracks volume change. So for instance for 20 seconds the volume is loud but for the 10 seconds after that the volume should be low which could suggest something was going to happen. Throughout the morning I tried to have the soundtrack and the movie to correspond but it was difficult and just left the soundtrack as it was.

Media lesson:

Later in the afternoon we had our media lesson and the group gathered quickly and took interest on the new extra soundtrack. They were fond of it but realised that it didn’t flow with the clips. The lesson was very long and frustrating and at times asked other students from different groups who were more confident with soundtrack pro to help. The lesson went quickly and frustrations got the better of us and we sat pondering, not working but just thinking of how tomorrow is going to be planned. We have to give the title sequence its final touches plus give the soundtrack many touches.

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