Sunday, 22 March 2009

Janaury 19 - Presentations

Today, we presented our plans for our thrillers. There were problems. Althoguh I had made a storyline the lesson before my absense on(Thursday 15th Janaury), when i got back to lesson today, the storyline had compeletly changed. WHen I heard the new storyline, it didnt really make sense, and Mary wasn't convinvced that we were ready to film. This was all down to the issue that we did not have a home to film in, ready.

One of the teachers proposed us a third storyline which would mean our filming would be within the college; a feat that I wasn't really enthusiatic about. As a last-minute attempt, I quickly made a storyline, wrote it down on paper and presented it. Although it wasn't perfect, Mary seamed quite pleased with it, and it was now our new storyline. We will spend the following two lessons drawing the storyboard for the story as we will not be allowed to begin filming without them being completed, checked, and authorised. Bummer.

We aim to get all the 'paperwork' down quickly so that we can begin filming. We are already theoretically one lesson behind most of the class as we still have drawings and writing to hand in before we can even touch a camera. Hopefully with hard work, we can quickly get back on our feet, and catch up to everyone else.

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