The props that me and media group used to make our thriller, look much more legit and professional we used such props to make the main character (Derek) look like a police detective.
Car Used In The First Scene : Black car with privacy window, Spanking Clean Shows Cleanliness of the driver . The driver also is of a high status because of the tinted windows used to preserve the identity of the Detective.
Smart Outfit: The Smart Outfit of Derek shows High Status, because of the casual blazer, Grey shirt with no tie top button undone, normal black trousers, all of these items shows that he is just a normal police officer and that he is some sort of high status.
Knife: This prop indicates danger, and that the police detective could be in for danger, when he is spotted by Eni the Killer.
Ruined House: This plays a major role in our props, because this shows the audience that something in the house is not right, and that there is something going on, this is also grabs the audience attention and has them asking questions.

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