Sunday 22 March 2009

Monday 16th February - Half Term

Eni Berisha

Monday 16th February – Half Term

On Monday 16th February as a group we decided that I was going to come in and experiment with the soundtrack. I arrived at college at 10:30 in the morning and settled myself to a computer. I uploaded the film which Michael, Cathrine and Derek had superbly edited, to soundtrack pro. Here it became confusing and repeatedly in quick successions I asked for Mary’s and Mick’s help. There were easily over three hundred of soundtracks to choose from so the experiment began. At first I decided to add calm music so this meant that as the car was pulling up it was going to be followed by calm music plus the original external soundtrack. I added this to the clip and directly went and asked Ola’s and Henock’s opinion (two representatives from another group). For friendships sake they complimented my work but I could see the hesitance to detail and saw slight smirks on their faces which geared me up to start again. This time I went completely the opposite direction, the first 20 seconds were action packed with noise; city, car, tyres screeching, doors shutting, keys clanging etc. As soon as the car parked, a rough parking (ferocious even), I decided to add a scream which was inspired by ‘‘Psycho’’. This time I asked Mick for his opinion and he surprisingly gave it the thumbs up and commented on the timing of the scream, positive comment. By now it was 2pm and nerves ran low so I saved the work and headed home.

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