Sunday 22 March 2009

February 23

Today, we spent the whole lesson choosing which soun effects we were going to use in our thriller. We went through a huge list of possible candidates for sound, and after some time, we were able to add sounds such as doors, knives, drawers and stairs, to our clip. Although it took a bit of shifting here and there, we were able to eventually time the sound with the video quite well so all looked quite natural. I was even shocked that some of the sounds were actually no-diegetic as they sounded like there were actually coming form the story space. 

For a short moment, we had a problem with the sound being out of place, and repeating itself in the relative parts of the video; i.e. kitchen knife sounds coming up when the knives were pulled up, but then coming up again when Derek was walking up the stairs. Mary quickly helped us sort this out, and all was well. We were quite pleased with the end result for the day. The only thing e still need to sort out was the transitions within the video; some of the match cuts were slightly overlapping themselves.

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